Greene County Logo Highway Department

ADA Transition Plan


The Americans with Disabilities Act is a civil rights statute that prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities. Title I and Title II include regulations that government entities above and employee number threshold must meet. Part of these requirements is to perform self-evaluation of the entity's practices and infrastructure to identify accessibility barriers. The self-evaluation information must then be used to create an ADA Transition Plan. The Transistion Plan accomplishes the following:

The intent of the document is to serve as a draft transition plan for pedestrian infrastructure within Greene County Highway right-of-way. The draft transition plan will be made available for public comment. Comments will be gathered and implemented into the plan as necessary, resulting in the final ADA Transition Plan for Greene County Highway right-of-way.

Greene County Highway Department - ADA Transition Plan

Greene County Highway Department - ROW ADA Transition Plan Comment Form

Grievance Procedure

The Greivance Procedure is established to meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). It may be used by anyone who wishes to file a grievance alleging discrimination of the basis of disability in the provision of services, activities, programs, or benefits by the Highway Department. The outlined procedure may also be used to notify the County of locations where non-compliant infrastructure or practices exist without officially filing a grievance.

The Grievance Procedure will provide citizens the ability to file a grievance to the Greene County Highway Department for alleged ADA discrimination. If you are not satisfied with the outcome fo the grievance procedure, you can contact the Missouri Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, and/or the Department of Justice.

  1. Within fifteen (15) calendar days after the receipt of the grievance, the ADA Coordinator or their designee will respond to the complianant to clarify the facts of the incident and discuss possible resolutions.

  2. The ADA Coordinator or their designee will conduct an investigation of the grievance to determine its validity. The investigation may be informal, but it must be thorough, affording all interested persons an opportunity to submit evidence relevant to the grievance.

  3. Within thirty (30) calendar days after the receipt of the grievance, the ADA Coordinator or their designee will respond in writing to the grievance. The response will explain the position of the County and offer options for substantive resolution of the grievance.

Greene County Highway Department - ADA Grievance Form

ADA Resources

Contact Information

The designated person in charge of implementing the Greene County Highway Department's ADA Transition Plan is:

**Position Vacant****Position Vacant** Chief Engineer
Court Others

The Chief Engineer prepares and oversees engineering plans and documents for roadway and bridge improvement projects, and analyzes traffic safety concerns within Greene County right-of-way.