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Greene County Sheriff Logo
Greene County Sheriff's Office
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Greene County Sheriff's Office

Greene County Jail

The Greene County Jail has 1242 beds and an average daily population of 980 inmates. The facility supports the philosophy of "Modified Supervision". Inmate programs are designed and implemented by 180 community volunteers. Inmates are encouraged to attend programs which facilitate a more successful re-entry into the community.

The goal of the Greene County Jail is to provide a safe and secure environment that promotes positive inmate behavior. This is made possible through fair, impartial and humane treatment of all individuals incarcerated in the jail facility. The Correctional staff expect inmate behaviors to be positive and rational. While incarcerated in the jail, it is the inmate's responsibility to comply with all rules and regulations as well as all directives given by staff. Although some of these regulations may seem restrictive to the average person, they are necessary to maintain a safe, secure environment within the jail facility. A positive and rational behavior will preserve and maintain the privileges given to the inmates; negative and irrational behavior may result in restriction of privileges, disciplinary action or criminal prosecution.

front door chairs through window

To submit an anonymous tip, please contact the Greene County Crime Tip Hotline at (417) 829-6230 You can also submit a tip online at Crime Stoppers .
Emergency call 911

Sheriff Greene County Sheriff Office 5100 West Division Street Springfield, MO 65802 (417) 868-4040 Fax:(417) 868-4830 Jim Arnott