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Greene County Sheriff's Office
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Greene County Sheriff's Office


Denial or Termination of a video visit:

A visit may be denied or terminated and video visiting privileges suspended under the following circumstances: (Some may result in criminal charges)

·         Violation of Facility rules by an inmate.

·         Dress that excites the senses; transparent clothing, exposes the breast, exposes the genitalia is not appropriate and is not allowed by video visitors or inmates. 

·         Vulgarity, racial, ethnic, confrontational remarks, will not be tolerated

·         Other conduct or conditions deemed by the monitoring or housing unit officers as disruptive to video visiting operations or to security and good order.

·         Contacting victim or witness will not be allowed and could result in criminal charges or termination of video visit privileges. 

·         Any discussion or display of illegal activities while video visit is being conducted are subject to forwarding of information to the Prosecutors office for review.

Violations of any of the above standards may result in the denial of video visiting for an extended period of time.

·         Some or all of the above may be a violation of one or more of the following Missouri Revised Statutes: 574.090, Ethnic Intimidation in the First Degree; 574.093, Ethic Intimidation in the Second Degree; 574.010 Peace Disturbance. 575.270 Tampering with a Victim or Witness. 

Special Visits

These are usually personal visits to the inmate allowed other than the regular video visitation due to exigent circumstances. 

·         Special visits will be approved in advance by the Major or Captain(s) or may be allowed by shift supervisors on duty if they are unavailable.

·         Special visits are normally during regular business hours. Any deviation other than regular business hours may be requested and approved by Jail administration in advance and dependent on circumstances.

Personal Visitation

These are video visits to family and friends by the inmate, which can be conducted from a kiosk in the jail lobby area or from an outside location. 

Each inmate is allowed Three(3) Free 25 minutes of personal visit time per week via video visitation. Two of the visits must be conducted in the Greene County Jail Lobby and one can be done remotely. All other visit time will be at a cost determined by the current provider. Additional video visit time is allowed which is determined by the funds available to the inmate.

·         Each inmate, family member, or friend is responsible for the scheduling of time available for any video visits and letting the other party know the date and time.

·         Each inmate is responsible for notifying family and friends of facility rules regarding video visits, prohibited behavior, and normal lockdown times for the purposes of conducting and scheduling of visits. 

·         Any video visitation scheduled during a lockdown time will not be allowed without prior approval.

Ministerial Visitation

These are non-contact visits to inmates by a clergy member.  Inmates may receive one 20-minute ministerial visit per week.

·         Minister’s visit can take place between 8:00a.m. through 4:30p.m., Monday through Friday. Special visit times may be granted and approved by Jail administration.

·         Ministers that do not have prior clearance may be approved to provide a ministerial visit by the Major(s) if the minister has adequate identification (ordination, license, or letter from the church) to show that he/she is a minister.  If the minister does not have adequate identification to show that he‑she is a minister, they will not be allowed to visit as a minister.

·         If the minister is a member of the inmate's immediate family, the minister can visit with proper credentials

Bonding Agent Interview

Offenders will be allowed to visit with Bail Bonding Agents at the request of the agent. If an offender has contacted a bonding agent, it is up to the agent to request the interview through the Reception Officer. The visit will be limited to 15 minutes.

Attorney Visitation
  • The attorney visitations are normally between the hours of 8:00 am to 11:00 am and 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm, Monday thru Friday. Exceptions may be granted if advance arrangements are made by the attorney through the Shift Supervisor
  • Offenders may request Jail Staff to notify their Public Defender of their wish to see them. This request must be made in writing on a Request to Staff Member form, and will be forwarded to the Public Defenders office through inter office mail
  • Contact with a private attorney will be made by the Offender Telephone System or by U.S. Mail
  • Non-government contractors employed by attorney or other Agencies will be required to submit and have approved background check prior to visit. They will be required to visit with the attorney or a Representative of Agency employed with. If visiting alone they will be required to have a Court Order to enter for a contact visit, otherwise the visit will be conducted through the glass area as the general public
Inner-Jail Visitation

In some cases where a husband and wife are incarcerated in the Jail, requests are made for a visit. These requests must be made to the Sheriff, Major of Corrections or Captain. Each case will be determined by its own merit and purpose.

It is not a policy to grant such visits

To submit an anonymous tip, please contact the Greene County Crime Tip Hotline at (417) 829-6230 You can also submit a tip online at Crime Stoppers .
Emergency call 911

Sheriff Greene County Sheriff Office 5100 West Division Street Springfield, MO 65802 (417) 868-4040 Fax:(417) 868-4830 Jim Arnott